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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Green Egg Magazine Yule '91

from Green Egg Magazine Yule '91
Ye Children All of Mother Earth         Joy to the World
(It Came Upon a midnight clear..)       ================
=================================       Joy to the World, the Light has come
Ye children all of Mother Earth         Let Earth receive her Lord
Join hands and circle around.           Let every heart, prepare Him room
To celebrate the Solstice night           And Heaven and Nature sing
When our lost Lord is found.              And Heaven and Nature sing
   Rejoice, the year has begun again      And He-av'n and Heaven and Nature
   The Sun blesses skies up above             sing!
   So share the season together now
   In everlasting love!                 Welcome our Lord, who brings us Light
                                        Our Lady gives him birth!
Gloria                                  His Living Light, to warm our hearts,
======                                      And wake the sleeping Earth (x3)
Snow lies deep upon the Earth
Still our voices warmly sing            Light we the fires to greet our Lord
Heralding the glorious birth            Our Light, our Life, our Lord!
Of the Child, the Winter King           Let every voice, sing holy praise
     Glo --- ria!                           And Heaven and Nature sing (x3)
     In excelsis Deo!
     Glo --- ria!
     In excelsis Dea!                   Glory to the New Born King
Our triumphant voices claim             Brothers, sisters, come and sing
Joy and hope and love renewed           Glory to the new-born King!
And our Lady's glad refrain             Gardens peaceful, forests wild
Answer Winter's solitude.               Celebrate the Winter Child!
     Glo --- ria!  (etc.)                  Now the time of glowing starts!
                                           Joyful hands and joyful hearts!
In Her arms a holy Child                   Cheer the Yule log as it burns!
Promises a glowing Light                   For once again, the Sun returns!
Through the winter wind so wild            Brothers, sisters, come and sing!
He proclaims the growing Light.            Glory to the new-born King!
     Glo --- ria! (etc.)
                                        Brothers, sisters, singing come
Now the turning of the year             Glory to the newborn Sun
Of the greater Turning sings            Through the wind and dark of night
Passing age of cold and fear            Celebrate the coming light!
Soon our golden summer brings.             Suns glad rays through fear's cold
     Glo --- ria! (etc.)                   burns,
                                           Life through Death the Wheel now
Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful!                 turns!
==========================                 Gather round Yule log and tree
Oh, come, all ye faithful                  Celebrate Life's mystery
Gather round the Yule fire                 brothers, sisters, singing come
Oh, come ye, oh, come ye,                  Glory to the new-born Sun.
To call the Sun!
    Fires within us                        Gods Rest Ye Merry Pagan Folk
    Call the Fire above us                 =============================
    O, come, let us invoke Him!            Gods rest ye merry Pagan folk
    O, come, let us invoke Him!            Let nothing you dismay
    O, come, let us invoke Him!            Remember that the Sun returns
    Our Lord, the Sun!                     Upon this Solstice Day!
                                              The growing dark is ended now
Yea, Lord, we greet Thee!                     And Spring is on its way
Born again at Yuletide!                       O, tidings of comfort and joy!
Yule fires and candles flames                 Comfort and joy!
Are lighted for You!                          O, tidings of comfort and joy!
    Come to thy children
    Calling for thy blessing!              The winter's worst still lies ahead
    O, come, let us invoke Him! (x3)       Fierce tempest, snow and rain!
    Our Lord, the Sun!                     Beaneath the blanket on the ground
                                           The spark of life remains!
Silent Night                                  The Sun's warm rays caress the
============                                  seeds
Silent night, Solstice Night                  To raise Life's songs again!
All is calm, all is bright                    O, tidings (etc.)
Nature slumbers in forest and glen
Till in Springtime She wakes again         Within the blessed apple lies
Sleeping spirits grow strong!              The promise of the Queen
Sleeping spirits grow strong!              For from this pentacle shall rise
                                           The orchards fresh and green
Silent night, Solstice Night                  The Earth shall blossom once
Silver moon shining bright                    again
Snowfall blankets the slumbering Earth        The air be sweet and clean!
Yule fires welcome the Sun's rebirth          O, tidings (etc.)
Hark, the Light is reborn!
Hark, the Light is reborn!

Silent night, Solstice Night
Quiet rest till the Light
Turning ever the rolling Wheel
Brings the Winter to comfort and heal
Rest your spirit in peace!
Rest your spirit in peace!

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