Why do people become so depressed to the point of taking their own lives this time of year ?
Gift giving spending having to obtain that prefect gift is not the reason for the season.
The sun is born .the wheel turns once more .we should be grateful for our families not what’s under that tree. sooo dam what, you don’t have a dime to spend on holiday gifts who gives a crap you cant give me a store bought over priced gift . I don’t. its all propaganda to get you to spend money you do not have to spend any ways .why go out in a rush and spend spend spend then get so down and depressed. It just does not make since where in the world did the idea you have to give gifts to every one, because the sun was born ?to give a gift is for special occasions like your Childs birthdays ,not the birth of child in a manger so long ago the only gift he wants is your soul . Start a new tradition put up a tree out side ,decorate it with home made items like bird seed and nuts for the wild life in your area ,and stay up all night and sing and praise the Sun for its returning .but don’t give me a gift I have not earned it or its not my birthday.
Remember the real reason winter solstice is celebrated the return of the Sun to shine warmth down on us during the coldest part of winter just to remind us to open our hearts and homes and share the previous years harvest with those less fortune now that’s a gift worth giving and receiving.
Blessed be
Lady LaFay
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