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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Oh how I hate the flu virus ,

When you get the flu, viruses turn your cells into tiny factories that help spread the disease, man do they work over time.
t's possible to get the flu even if you are vaccinated. Influenza, or the "flu," is a illness of the breathing system (respiratory system).I was reading on flu facts .
every 10 years or so the flu virus goes through a major change. Your head aches, and so does every muscle in your body. You're cold one minute and hot the next. Your throat is scratchy and you're starting to cough. You might be coming down with the flu!
Flu Season Is November to April

If you get the flu, you'll have lots of company. Each year from November to April, millions of people all across the United States come down with the flu. Kids get the flu most often. But people in every age group — including teens — can catch it.

What Is the Flu I ask ?

Flu is the common name for influenza. It's a virus that infects the respiratory system.
Often when you're sick with a virus, your body builds up a defense system by making antibodies against it. That means you usually don't get that particular virus strain again. Unfortunately, flu viruses mutate (change) each year. So you aren't protected from getting the flu forever. No it seems to never leave just hang around and mutate

Some years the change in the flu virus is slight. Some it is a major mutation   The antibodies from having the flu before give you partial protection. But every 10 years or so the flu virus goes through a major change and many people get severe cases. These large-scale outbreaks are called epidemics. If they spread worldwide, they're called pandemics. The H1N1 ("swine flu") outbreak of 2009-2010 was considered a pandemic.

 How Can I Treat Flu Symptoms Naturally?

Believe it or not, those flu symptoms you're experiencing are part of a natural healing process -- evidence that your immune system is working to battle the flu. For instance, a fever is your body's way of trying to kill viruses in a hotter-than-normal environment. In addition, a fever's hot environment makes germ-killing proteins in your blood circulate more quickly and effectively. Thus, if you endure a moderate fever for a day or two, you may actually get well faster.

Coughing is another productive flu symptom. When you cough, you're helping to clear your breathing passages of thick mucus that can carry germs to your lungs and the rest of your body.
To ease your suffering try a cup of chamomile tea  or you can buy sleepy time tea in your super market .and a warm blanket and sleep well.

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